Encino, CA Workers' Comp Insurance | Paramount Exclusive Insurance
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We have you


California Workers Compensation


In California, Workers Compensation Insurance provides medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs to employees who are injured or become ill “in the course and scope” of their job.


The coverage is mandated by each state and the wage and medical benefits vary by state. Workers Compensation is considered a social insurance because it relies on a social contract between management and labor, wherein exchange for purchasing Workers Compensation Insurance, business owners are protected from civil suits from their workers who become injured on the job. This type of insurance is purchased by businesses, and is underwritten by insurance companies and, in some cases, underwritten by publicly supported state funds.


Paramount firmly believes that there is not a “one size fits all” approach to Workers Compensation Insurance. Our experts know that large accounts require special services because they are experience rated, have greater exposures to high hazards, and have dynamic workforces. If claims are managed efficiently on a large Workers Compensation account, the difference can be thousands of dollars in premiums paid. That’s why you should look no further than the experts at Paramount to handle this complex form of business insurance. We know from experience how to control Workers Compensation costs and can help you administer that program at your business. We have a dedicated claims department specializing in resolving these kinds of losses.


It is a common mistake for customers to assess their California Workers Compensation Insurance policy solely on the rate being paid under the policy. This can be costly and can result in a huge discrepancy in the premium paid. If you’d like to know more regarding how we can help you properly and economically manage your Workers Compensation Insurance program, just get in touch with us here at Paramount. We’re more than happy to walk you through it in a clear, concise way. In the end, you will have a better handle on this type of insurance, and we will be able to save you some serious money.

Consider This

The occupations with the most injuries and illnesses (2015) are laborers, truck drivers, janitors, cleaners, and nursing assistants.

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