Encino, CA Professional Liability Insurance
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Essential Additional


California Professional Liability Insurance


Professionals are expected to have a certain level of competence in their discipline. It’s also expected that they will accurately perform their services, according to the common standards of conduct for their profession. If a professional makes a mistake on the job, they can be held responsible for any harm they cause to a person or business.


A general liability insurance policy will cover claims stemming from a few specific things: bodily injury, property damage, personal injury or an advertising injury. But what if one of your clients sues for damages that result from you or your company’s negligence, misrepresentation, violations of good faith, failure to render an opinion or offer a service? In that case you’ll need additional coverage, typically a California professional liability insurance policy.


This type of insurance is customized to meet your specific needs. Every business is different, and the risks one form of business assumes is very different from those of another. Professional liability policy coverage is tailored to your unique risks.


In California, professional liability insurance policies cover judgments, attorney fees, court costs and settlements. Even if you were found in court not to have been responsible for something you were accused of, extended litigation will drain a company’s cash reserves, even precipitate bankruptcy.


If you portray yourself as an expert in your assumed profession, you could be exposed to one or more professional liability risks. No matter how careful you try to be, we’re all prone to make mistakes. Professional liability insurance might protect you against claims of negligence, malpractice or misrepresentation. It’s essential to have a plan in place. Let Paramount help you do just that.

Consider This

Professional liability coverage is separate from a General Liability (GL) policy, which would cover you mainly for bodily injury or property damage liability.

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