Encino, CA Commercial Umbrella Insurance | Paramount Exclusive Insurance
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Protecting the value of your


California Commercial Umbrella Insurance


When businesses become the target of lawsuits, assets are at risk, and a significant claim could potentially become destructive.


For California businesses, commercial umbrella insurance provides valuable additional liability coverage to help protect them against these potentially ruinous costs. If the cost of a claim exceeds the limits of a business’s underlying primary insurance policies, commercial umbrella insurance extends liability coverage for an additional layer of insurance to further protect business assets. Without this extension, business owners would be obligated to dip into their own pockets to cover additional costs, like legal fees, medical bills and other damage expenses that exceed the underlying limits of their primary coverages.


More specifically, a California commercial umbrella insurance policy protects your business when, for example, a customer slips on a wet floor and gets injured and the medical costs of those injuries exceed the general liability policy limits. Or let’s say a promotional error or advertising miscue results in a significant lawsuit against your business. Your primary liability insurance won’t cover the costs, so your umbrella policy kicks in and saves you from financial hardship.


These are important things to consider when you’ve spent so much time building the value of your business. Paramount wants to make sure that all of that time and energy don’t go to waste. With a commercial umbrella policy you at least give yourself a chance to stay in the game, protect your business and look to the future. When you partner with Paramount, you allow yourself peace of mind and real relief, knowing that you’ve partnered with the people that care about keeping you and your business safe and protected.

Consider This

An umbrella policy might be right for you, but be sure you understand what the policy covers and what it excludes before buying.

Let Us Guide You To The Right
